Happy Times: Martinez Family
Happy Valentine’s Day 😉 What better way to show love on my blog today than with a beautiful family that I LOVE dearly. You know when you see someone and your heart melts, you feel like you could never, ever say no or let this person down… I feel this way about each of my nephews and nieces. I never felt love like this until my sister’s started to have kids and when I fell in love with Ivan’s nieces and nephews. I am so completely smitten by these kids that I would do anything, absolutely anything for them. To me they are love and watching them grow up has been one of the biggest joys in my life. I guess I will say the same when I have my own kids, but this is all I know right now and I enjoy it so much. They amaze me every time I have a conversation with them, they make me laugh and when they hurt I hurt. They truly are blessings in my life. Not too long ago I had the honor of shooting my sister’s family, which includes my amazingly cute nephews. Adriana and Robert have built a beautiful family. I’m not even sure if they know it, but they are a perfect example of true love. They got married young, yet gave each other the time to grown up because they had kids six years after, which I think has built this incredibly solid foundation to their relationship. Being around all of them almost makes you think they have the perfect family, of course they are not perfect, but they have the love and strength every family and marriage needs. I feel lucky to be these boy’s Tia ;). These pictures don’t lie this is them as a family and they are TRUE LOVE…