Valyn Grace 1 Year Old
My little Valyn! How could you possibly 1 already?! You have added so much adventure to our little family. We had a plan when it came to having a second child and got pregnant a little sooner than we thought, but we could not be more grateful to have you. You were scheduled for a c-section and a little while before I was going in for surgery I started to feel something. The nurse said, you are getting very small contractions. I was like, what?! Is that what that is? Since your sister was c-section too, I had no idea that is what I was feeling. I tell you this because it is telling of who you are. No matter what, you always do things on your terms, my feisty girl. Boy, do you let us know when you are ready for something or don’t like something. I love how determined you have been since day one. My favorite thing about you though, is that you loooooove to cuddle. Always. Till this day you cuddle into me exactly as you did a newborn and I hope that never changes. Right now you love all berries, cheerios and ground turkey. Oh, and cheese! You love cheese just like your sister. You love Mickey, but I think your sister pushed that on you. Or it could be that since you were about 6 months old we have been taking you to Disneyland, the privilege of being a second child. You dance and scream when you are excited and when you eat something really good. It’s so funny! Books are fun, but you rather move around your room, so then we read to you at bedtime and you just roam your room listening. Your first word was Dada of course, BUT you are a mommy’s girl. Your second word was Go. It comes from us telling Roxy (your fur baby sister) to go outside to go do her business. Now you are trying to talk so much and on the verge of walking. Seeing you grow into your own little person is the best. I don’t think you and your sister could make us any happier. We love seeing you two play together and then seeing you fight now (yes, you fight back) is pretty funny. My hope is for the two of you to grow up to be the best of friends.
We love you so much Valyn Grace! Happy Birthday!