The Move…
It’s amazing all the emotions that come with moving. I have been trying to get back into blogging about my life, but it always gets put on the back burner. Well, here I am blogging again as we just moved into a new home. Life is going too fast, I need to sit still, reflect and soak it all in. My girls, it seems are growing at rapid speed and me and Ivan were having these evenings where we would try to pack or at least have dinner together and then fall asleep on the coach because of how exhausted we’ve been. HA! Some may not believe this, but as much as I need change and growth I really dislike it. Even moving was not a change I was looking forward to, even THOUGH we wanted a new home. I know, makes no sense!
I was in my office last Thursday night totally packing away and I lost it, I cried my eyes out. I could not really pin point what it was. I had a Spotify playlist on and the song Chasing Cars came on. I totally cried because it reminded me of Derrick and Meredith from Grey’s Anatomy. OK, no, I cried because I’m not good with change and I get emotional and stressed. I cried with little Roxy by my side because she is my sidekick in life. 🙂 After my tantrum I went straight to the kitchen to grab a coffee cookie. I’m an emotional eater, but let’s save that for another blog post. That is the thing about change I hate most, I WANT it, I just hate the process of change. I just want it to already be done and OK after it all goes down.
So it happened, we moved last Friday (a week ago toady) and leeeeeet me tell you it’s been insane with two babies living in one part of the house while the other part is being redone. Unfortunately timing this time was not on my side, as far as being out of the old house, getting keys to the new house before so we could remodel. BUT I like to look at things positively. We have a new house that we are remolding, I’m grateful to be in this situation.
Last Friday, as the movers took the last of our stuff and Ivan went with them, I found myself alone in our house packing up a few last things. I was listening to the Big Magic podcast by Elizabeth Gilbert (I’m obsessed with podcasts right now), what a perfect way to spend the last hours in the place we called our first home. I would say it was my closure. I loved that house. It was where we brought Ayla and Valyn home. It was the perfect little neighborhood, but like everything in life you outgrow things,things have to change and you have to learn to let go. Change is no fun, but when it all goes down then you see for the millionth time in your life that it’s OK and you needed it. I would say, I realize life is exactly where it is meant to me.
Stay tuned for remodel updates. 🙂