6 Years
Last month, I was in my office working and you had left early to our new house to start painting, you sent me a text to listen to You & Me by Dave Matthews. You said, it reminded you of me, of us. As I listened I was thinking, what did I do to deserve you? There you are working on our new house because you LIKE to do that kind of stuff and you tell me to listen to this sweet song. The song could not be more perfect for us and the truth is we can do anything together as the song says. It’s always been that way in every aspect of our lives. Even the times that are not so pretty in a marriage as long as we work on them together we overcome these moments. Like this very morning, it was not a great moment in our marriage. You brought me coffee and it was black. I take my coffee with a splash of nonfat milk how could you forget that? Ha! Here’s some advice newly married couples, when you’ve been married for a while you learn to see what is more important and in this situation the point is he got up this morning and went to get me coffee. He knows coffee makes me happy. This is what 6 years of marriage will teach you. 😉
I remember once when we had just got married, I asked you where you wanted us to be in 5 years. You said, in a house (as we lived in a apartment at the time) and maybe two kids or one but at least number two on the way. Welllllll here we are Ivan, two girls and we just moved into our second house. I’m so excited to make new memories in our marriage and slow life down a little with our babies if that is even possible.
I know this life is sometimes overwhelming and we are not perfect people, but my hope, as we start a new year of marriage is that we try more to slow down, find time to connect and continue to grow stronger as husband and wife with our two babies.
I love you my friend, husband and the only person I want to do life with.
photo credit: Shannon Renee