Post 60-Day Challenge
Today marks four weeks since I weighed in for my 60-day challenge. There were moments before it ended that I feared I’d go back to eating whatever I wanted, when I wanted. However, this has not been the case! The other day, I was texting with my friend Jenny, who did this challenge too. We talked about the weekend and how we ate. The funny thing is every time we discuss it, the responses are the same: “I had a burger, it was OK. Not as good as I remember.” Then it usually goes like this: “It’s Monday back to eating our food. What menu are you doing this week? Oh, really! I love the breakfast on that menu.” It is more exciting to talk about the meals we cook than the cheat meal we had over the weekend. DON’T GET ME WRONG, it feels GREAT to go out to dinner at a restaurant again! Annnnd WINE, I love wine. I’m not drinking it as often as I did before the challenge (don’t judge) but having a glass or four two at home on a Saturday night feels amazing. I MISSED that. Food wise, I’m not as excited. Some foods are just not worth it any more. What I’m trying to say is: it better be a DAMN good piece of pizza if I’m going to have to do 50 burpees to make up for it. HA!
I loved seeing the results, but more than anything how I felt (and still feel) during the challenge was the most amazing part. We really have no idea how good our bodies are meant to feel! When we are truly taking care of them everything changes. Well, at least for me this was the case.
My biggest revelation is this: I think I’ve proven to myself that I can make the things I really want happen. However, the one thing I never really visualized or set a goal for was to have a fit body. Let me be clear, I wanted to be skinny. Believe me, I said this many times in my mind! Except just wanting to be skinny is not a goal. I never thought, “I’m going to literally try to build muscle and get strong.” After a week into the challenge I decided to make it a goal. I told myself, “You can be fit. You can meal prep. You can eat healthy, not just a few meals but every meal.” Seriously, like all of a sudden I thought, WAIT how come you didn’t think you could have this? I’ve run marathons, but I never took care of my body like this. I still have a lot to go and even though the challenge is done, these new routines in my life are not.
I’m still meal prepping and cooking meals for the week, plus a few for the weekend. However, I’m allowing myself to have the things I want in moderation. But let’s be real, I am human, right?! On Easter, which was two days after the weigh in, I had no self-control with the M&M’s. I had them and had them all day. YOU GUYS, it’s allllll mental! It’s no secret it’s about getting your mind right. I’m so much better at handling my mind, especially because I know I handled 60 days of eating completely clean. Another BIG factor in all of this is my gym, Afterburn. To say I love this place is in understatement. It’s a community of GREAT people, who push and motivate each other. I’ve never worked out at a place like this. Community is everything and I love it! If you feel it is what you need, talk to me! Come work out with me! I’m paying it forward. I want to help the way my friend Letty helped me on that day she simply said, you guys should do the 60-day challenge with me. To see hard work payoff and be in this mind set of taking care of yourself is pretty awesome, especially for your health. I’m a mom of 2 little ones; it’s possible to do this.
Sooooo results!!! Well here is my before and after picture (OMG can’t believe I am sharing this, but if it motivates you than I’m glad I did):
I lost 15 pounds and 7.6% of body fat.
I don’t know why I’m so happy in both these pictures, BUT I’m so glad I’m not the girl on the left anymore. I know I had a baby a year prior, but I needed to get back to being a healthy weight again. Every amount of sacrifice is so worth it!
Cheers to being healthy and strong!
Ps. I run too, if you rather run you can join me as well. 😉