get to know us more!

storytelling visuals

I create powerfully engaging imagery for female entrepreneurs, celebrities and well-known brands so they can boost their ongoing marketing efforts and draw their audience in.

hey! I'm Lily.


Fit Friday_Lily Ro Photography_001 Guys!!! I’m about to embark on a pretty crazy challenge to get back into shape. OK, it is not that crazy! It’s a 60 day challenge.  Honestly, I’m still not 100% I made the right decision. However, I want to believe that after two weeks in I will be thankful I’m doing it, along with craving chocolate and wine I’m sure.

Towards the end of 2015 I started working out again after my daughter Valyn (she is almost a year, so YES it took me a while).  I started slowly with a boot camp, then started running and later signed up for a half marathon. Never was it my intention to say, “in 2016 I’m going to change my body completely.”  Although it should have been, I mean… look at this picture of me shooting last year!  Anyway, this whole thing came about from a simple dinner with my girlfriends. One of my friends, who has been on this “challenge” adventure suggested we try it.  I left dinner saying, OK I can do this. I get into my car to drive home and I think, WHAT DID I JUST DO!!!! The truth is I need this.  I’m actually really excited and scared! My biggest fear is the REAL clean eating part. The working out part is great. I like to workout and RUN, so if I have partners I’m set. NOW the discipline of eating clean for 60 days will be tough.  Nonetheless, I love a freaking challenge and I’m blogging about it, so one of you can keep me accountable.  NO REALLY, please do!

My goal is to blog about my progress week to week  and if by chance I skip a week it might be because I died from missing CARBS. HA! Not the healthy carbs, the kind of carbs that make you real happy.  OK, on a serious note, I just want to be healthy and fit again, not that I’m not healthy, but I need to be better. See ya CARBS (insert ugly cry face here)!



PS. Here is my mantra for the next 2 months: “If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.”  I’m ready! Maybe you are too?!