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storytelling visuals

I create powerfully engaging imagery for female entrepreneurs, celebrities and well-known brands so they can boost their ongoing marketing efforts and draw their audience in.

hey! I'm Lily.

OV Wedding

From the moment Erica and I exchanged emails about her upcoming wedding we clicked.  I crossed my fingers and hoped that they would feel comfortable enough to trust me with their special day.  Well, they did! I just knew we were meant to be 🙂 HA!  I was sure this was going to be a fun wedding, but little did I know how beautiful it would truly be.  The minute I was in both Heather and Erica’s presence, I felt the love.  The ceremony, the wedding and the day were nothing but love.  Every single person there was so happy to take part, to celebrate with the OV’s ;).  If there is one thing that stay’s with me most about this couple, it is that they show the rest of the world true love exists. They show their love for each other freely and lovingly.  Just in case you don’t believe in real love hang out with these two for a day.  They will prove to you it does. Because of them I went home that night with even more love for shooting weddings. Seriously, what a fun wedding at the awesome Ace Hotel!

They are the cutest!!!I love this picture…Erica you are BEAUTIFUL!
Oh what fun it was to shoot your wedding Erica and Heather! I will always hold it close to my heart.  I am so Team OV now 😉