Happy 2nd Birthday Valyn Grace
Valyn, you’re two! Happy Birthday my sweet girl! You have brought so much joy to our little family. You’re a funny girl that definitely knows what she wants. You’re feisty, and you hold your ground no matter what, which challenges mommy and daddy, ha! You can go from don’t look at me to the happiest little girl ever :). I love your personality, you remind me a lot of your dad. Your quiet and reserved when we are around a lot of people. You have to observe a situation before you join the fun. However, at home you are a chatter box and you love to dance. First thing this morning you said, “mommy, mommy looooook. I dancing.” We adore you Valyn. We love how much you want to be like your big sister yet do things your way all the time. Sometimes you follow her around and try to do the exact same things. Other times you demand she follows you. We can’t get enough of you and we’re so grateful for your amazing spirit!
Annnnnd then you let the balloons go…. and your sister was very sad. Very, very sad.
However, we somehow recovered and you two were running around as usual.