Vasquez Rocks Maternity Session
Before I became a mom I never realized the amount of support we need from other moms. You need a support system. I went to a first time mommy and me class and still till this day we support each other (3 years later). I’ve said this before and I will say it again: community is everything! Especially when you become a mom. These ladies can form their own mommy and me group. Ha! I mean, can it get better? Good friends being pregnant around the same time? Who better to be your support group?! Who better to text in the middle of the day to tell them the baby won’t nap and you might just be opening a bottle of wine before 5pm. I mean, really!!! Who better?! This session was FUN, something I had never thought I would photograph. I felt so inspired after I photographed the session. I’m all about women supporting women in all these amazing stages of life we go through. We are kind of AMAZING, LADIES! So if you and 5 others friends are doing something pretty unique together I WANT TO PHOTOGRAPH it! 😉