Married life & Road Trips
My forever wedding date ❤️. Last weekend we went to San Diego for a wedding. It was a short road trip, but I looooove any road trip. Mostly because it gives you solid time to chat in the car with your road trip partner. Annnnd no one can go anywhere not matter where the conversation goes 😜. On our way we listened to a podcast (of course we did) about marriage for first responder families. Then we talked about the episode. Ivan’s career can be tough and believe me the more I understand it and support him the better it is for our family. Same goes for him, the better he understands how hard it can be to be married to someone in that career, the better for our marriage. In our almost 8 years of marriage there have been times we have been distant and we’re definitely guilty of sweeping things under the rug, so being intentional about our communication has helped us a lot. We are by no means perfect, but in relationships trying is key, right? If you have good tips on keeping good communication with your partner, share below. You never know what couple may benefit from it 😊.