Oh Baby: Carolina
Sometimes we move so fast in life we miss certain things, but when I’m shooting I slow down. I slow down to observe the interactions around me. I get to watch people love each other and be kind to each other. I enjoy it so much! I felt lucky to have got a glimpse into Carolina’s world with the two loves of her life and the blessing she is about to have. Meeting Carolina, Hugo and Nevaeh was such a joy. I met them at Chantry Flats, an awesome place in Sierra Madre. It felt like a hidden little gem. What a cool place to hike! Yes, this mommy to be hiked for her shoot. She is a ROCK STAR!! This place is kind of special for Hugo and Carolina, they both used to come here as kids, not together. Then when they started dating it became their place, together. They met 6 years ago at… wait for it… T.G.I Friday’s. How cute, right?! No one ever expects those meetings to work out and look, it worked out perfectly for them. Perfectly enough that they will be blessed with a baby boy any day now. Nevaeh is going to be a big sister! She is so excited! My favorite moments of the shoot was how Hugo always made sure Carolina was OK and that Nevaeh was getting the perfect pictures with her mommy. Super sweet.
The mother daughter bond these two have just shows, it is strong. I love it.
Look at them taking care of mommy, so cute.
My favorite!
They picked the best name for this little guy.
Love this picture!!!
So pretty, Nevaeh!
Does she not look AMAZING?!
Gorgeous. You look like a model, Carolina! Way to go Mommy to be!