5 years married
Here we are again! 5 years! I feel like I wrote our 4 year post like yesterday. Remember when I would say, we would have another mini wedding at five years. HA! Of course I did. Maybe we didn’t get to it at five, OH, but we will get to planning a mini wedding at 10! I would say this past year has been a challenge of adjusting to all the new in our lives, yet I feel from our last anniversary to now we have become even stronger as a couple, as partners and most important as parents. I LOVE WHO WE ARE TODAY! How could one not be thankful for the downs to have these ups?! I feel like I have never believed more in this quote as much as I do today: “What is worth having never comes easy.” This applies to us, to me becoming a mother to our little toddler, who is SOOOOO WORTH HAVING, and my business that I love. I know that we both have changed, maybe me more than you. I know for a while I was not myself. I was overwhelmed trying to cling on to my old life, while everything was changing at once. I was the one that made change happen though, go figure! 🙂 Although, it was exactly what I wanted, it was difficult to not have much left of what use to be so me. I know we both were trying to make it all work, being husband and wife, being new parents, owning our first home, a new career for me, just soooo many NEW things that kind of changed us. BUT this is OUR love and we are not perfect, so much good has come from the ups and downs of our marriage, so much I can be thankful for and appreciate. Most couples who have been married a while say marriage is hard, I always wondered what those hard times were going look like and maybe my hard is not as hard as others may think, but I could honestly say to you that I know, I understand why we had our struggles and I’m thankful for it. I just love you, Ivan. SO MUCH! I was SHOCKED to learn married life really is not all hugs, kisses and yes dear, whatever you want dear?! 😉 As much as I love the happy life like anyone else, I love life for these lessons, I am truly the girl that is madly, deeply in love with life. Could be why I am a photographer… hmmm never thought about it that way. ANYWAY, back to us… 5 years later I will say, overall this has been one thing in my life I never want to change, I want you to remain my life partner forever, so far so good my love. xoxo!
Thank you Ivan for allllllways saying yes to my very FUN photo adventures, ha! 🙂 I’m so glad we did these anniversary photos.
Thank you to the talented and sweetest friend Janet from Love Janet Photography for these photos.