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storytelling visuals

I create powerfully engaging imagery for female entrepreneurs, celebrities and well-known brands so they can boost their ongoing marketing efforts and draw their audience in.

hey! I'm Lily.

2 Years Old

Two years ago today, our furry baby was born and we did what any normal parents would do, celebrate her!!  I am way more into this than Ivan is of course, but believe me he jumped right in with me to spoil her. Roxy is our baby, our first baby. She is my best girl.  I know that our spoiling has ruined her I mean she is bratty sometimes. She thinks she is human and we know it is our fault. BUT Roxy was great practice for when we have a human baby, we know there has to be a limit now. HA! Human babies will not sleep with us and will not have treats before breakfast. Is that how it should be?  In all seriousness I love this girl, regardless of how sometimes she runs our household (usually when Ivan is not home, because she listens to him better).  Don’t get me wrong she listens to me when it comes to taking pictures. Roxy totally gets what I’m doing and sits there till I’m done. In that sense I have trained her well 😉 And I am soooo proud.  Happy Birthday Roxy!

See she stayed away from her cake for the picture, she listened to me 😉

Then she got a bit bored…

And then she was totally over me! This girl just wanted to eat her cake.